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The company for pharmaceutical advertising & promotion review

What is ?

Pharmaceutical companies invest a lot in marketing material. This material needs a review and approval before external dissemination. helps to optimize claims to show the value oft the product, reviews and approves promotional and disease related material and helps to optimize the internal management process. This helps to save time and costs at the end.



Review and approval of marketing materials is more a process rather than a formal last step and need the contribution of many stakeholders within the organization. The process must be organized efficiently to avoid internal and external loss of time and costs.

can help you to define and implement the internal standards and guidances for your company to save your valuable time.


Working in mutidisciplinary teams such as promotional review committees (PRCs) can be challenging regards to leadership due to the different types of personalities, different trainings and backgrounds within the team. offers to coach individuals to reflect their way of working to better consider the different strengths of the team members at the end. Individuals can learn how to deal with difficult situations. The team can learn to trust each other and to respect different expertises. Teams can learn to work efficiently and cooperatively to speak with a common voice as final outcome. Coaching can also be helpful for transition periods, for example during onboarding of new committee members.


Interim Management

You have a lot of work but a new FTE is not yet approved by HR? Or just someone is acutely ill or absent due to pregnancy or other reasons?

We can help you by working on-site and remote on an interim basis.


You have a lot of work but no FTE approved and your company does not allow to work with contractors? Or you are a small company and have not enough work for a FTE but the work has nevertheless to be done? can review and approve your documents regarding medical and regulatory accuracy and completeness. It is also possible to designate as a formal information officer to the authorities.

In multidisciplinary teams it is very common to have different opinions, sometimes with no common sense. You can also contact to provide just another, an external opinion on specific questions. This can be helpful to find a solution.


Contact us

is looking forward to help you! Please contact by e-mail: will get back to you as soon as possible.



The owner of Dr. med. Martin Wernitz is a physician as well as health economist. Additionally, he is personal fitness trainer. He worked for the top-management consultancy McKinsey&Company as well as for leading pharmaceutical companies. He has experience in international advertsing & promotion in the headquarter of a leading company focussing on rare diseases as well as local experience in the role as medical in Germany. His special focus is on rare diseases but he worked in primary care, specialty care, and oncology as well providing a deep understanding of many different therapeutic indications.